Event Information
JSPS Symposium on
Promoting Gender Equality

Online Registration — Click HERE to go to the registration page.
JSPS organizes symposiums aimed at sharing initiatives to promote gender equality within universities, research institutions and relevant departments, as well as among the staff of these institutions. The keynote address in this fourth symposium will focus on the current state of gender equality in academia within Japan. Following that, the second part will showcase initiatives from Europe, presented by a representative from the European Research Council (ERC).
Academia x Gender -The Gender Landscape in Academia in Japan and Beyond-
Date & Time:
Thu, Feb 27, 2:30 pm-4:35 pm (JST) / 6:30 am-8:35 am (CET)
Wed, Feb 26, 0:30 am-2:35 am (EST) / 9:30 pm-11:35 pm (PST)
Format: Online (Zoom Meeting)
Target: We invite all those interested in this symposium, including researchers and staff from universities and research institutions, to join us. We also welcome anyone who has an interest in international collaborative research.
Language: English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation
Fee: Free
Organizer: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Program <Japan Standard Time>
Opening <2:30 pm-2:40 pm>
- Opening Remarks: SUGINO Tsuyoshi, JSPS President
Part 1 Keynote Speech <2:40 pm-3:20 pm *including Q&A>
- Title: In Pursuit of an Inclusive Academic Community
- Speaker: ITO Kimio, Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University and Osaka University; Auditor of National Women’s Education Center
- Material: Coming soon
Part 2 The Current State in Europe <3:20 pm-3:40 pm *including Q&A>
- Title: Inclusive Excellence in Europe
- Speaker: Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Coordinator, ERCEA Gender and Diversity Activity Group, European Research Council (ERC)
- Material: Coming soon
Part 3 Panel Discussion <3:50 pm-4:30 pm *including Q&A>
- The Importance of Gender Equality in Research
- Moderator: NAKANO Ryohei Thomas, Professor, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University; JSPS Gender-Equality Advisor
- Panelists:
- ITO Kimio, Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University and Osaka University; Auditor of National Women’s Education Center
- Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Coordinator, ERCEA Gender and Diversity Activity Group, European Research Council (ERC)
- KAI Toshie, Professor, Graduate School of Frontier, Biosciences; Director, Student Mobility Unit Center for Global Initiatives, both at Osaka University
*During the panel discussion, you can use the chat function to ask questions to the panelists.
Closing <4:30 pm-4:35 pm>
- Closing Remarks: HAYAMI Yoko, JSPS Inspector General
Online Registration — Click HERE to go to the registration page.
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Contact Us
Policy Planning and Public Relations Division (gender*jsps.go.jp)
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